Sunday, January 31, 2016

Paul Kantners Poem...

I was handed this by an 8 year old girl

I am the wind
I am the rain
I am the lightning and I am the thunder
I am the storm itself
I am the volcanos who smoke and fire
I am the earths beating heart
I am the oceans tide
I am the billions of people all pushing together in one direction
I am the unfolding flowers
I am the new day
The change thats coming
nothing can stop me
ready or not
here I come

I'm picking up bad vibrations...

INTERSECTION is closed in Masterton now.
ON one side there was a bus stop and on the other disabled parking.
how the hell is a retailer supposed to make  ag o of it when the smart alecks in town planning cripple the business from the get go.

those were the days...

apparently there was a vintage airshow at Masterton over the weekend.
No aeroplanes flew over Carterton.
Does not the local  population deserve a free peek every now and again?
How much money do you guys want to extract from everyone?

Hi Kim Hill...

Hi Kim.
Really enjoyed your interview replay with Burt Reynolds on Saturday.
You were really nice and Burt enjoyed your company.
Burt sounded great.
Back in the day before we had choice they used to play a lot of Burts Movies on public telly but now its all over.
My favourite is W.W. And The Dixie Dance Kings.
I saw it on TV@ back in the day.
He laso starred in Rentacop whic was  abit of a dog but I read the scrip for a new zealand financier before it was made and went back and analysed all his movies.
for a period they were formulaic but still very good.
I tried to tell others in the NZ Film insdustry how easy it was to use the formula but nobdoy wanted to knw.

"the more he talked of his honour the more we counted the silver"
Henry Addison

The more John Key says New Zealand the more I wonder how long before he shoots the gap?

More guff from the wireless.
Love taking potshots at Radio New Zealand
especially the ones that are in love with the sound of their own voices and think their own thoughts are facts.
Ya hear me Fill?
Think about this the next time you are in Greytown!

The thing is that media people in New Zealand are constantly advertising themselves because here in lil ole NZ they think they are something special just because they got the JOB.

Friday, January 29, 2016

teepee or not teepee eh...

By the time the alleged benefits of the tppa arrive in 2030 I will be under the sod.
all those billions and I wont geta pneyy.
bwah wah wah.
however the press have let the country donw badly over this.
how many other countries are involved.
what are the clauses?
what about a synopsis of what it actually says.
you know all that stuff.
instead they have allowed a kneejerk response and let John Key have his 1981 moment.
apparently the tppa will not be ratified by the US congress so the whole thing is  dead issue anyway but in the meantime they are all scrapping over nothing.
thats the kiwi way folks.

the primary goal...

is to ensure the welfare of the inmates.
the next is to keep the place tidy and free of invasive weeds that have an impact on the infrastructure.
the rest is just showboating

the altar song: RIP Paul Kantner...

Lifes journey is not to arrive at the grave with a perfectly preserved body but to skid in sideways totally worn out yelling holy shit what a hell of a ride.

Farewell Paul.
THe Jefferson Airplane is one of the great Bands who played music MUSIC in the 60's and beyond.
From the raucous psychedelia of White Rabbit, to the strident call to arsm of Volunteers to the exquisitely sublime Youre Only Pretty As You Feel the band was stupendous.
Seeyalater dude.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

I asked my friendly doctor just what I had...

The Doors debut album and a cracker.

Article in yesterdays Dompost about the number of Gp"s increasing. percentagewise that is!
I hope they have the same dedication of Doctor Finlay and the same amount of persistence and stickablity that their predecessors had.
Their is a large bibliography of rural GP's in England and the  Commonwealth who have shared their lives and travails with the general public and it is to be hoped that the postmodern generation will understand what being a doctor really means to themselves and the community and not the style wankers.

Mitchell Pearce.
Well dood you got your tail in a crack
anybody who has beena perfesshanul drinker will know that your behaviour is not uncommon but you have been caught out by the new generation of sneaks who want to share with the world and take anybody down that they can because that is all they can do.
And dont listen to the geeks on sport radio.
they never done nuthin but they want to linbe you up and enforce their boogewah standards on you too.
so you have an opportunity.
If you are and alcoholic then it takes at least two years to get your head under control before you can remake yourself into a better person.
that is if you want to?

Good item on RNZ this am about the new drug courts.
It looks like they work!
At first I was dubious but these people seem to have the right idea and are determined to make it work.
all power to you.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

now for something completely different...