Monday, October 28, 2013

the altar song: RIP Lou Reed...

sad weekend.
Lou is gone now.
They all going.
Whats left is a whole gang of wimps who think you can learn to rock at skool.
yeah right.
Hit the neighbours yesterday with Transformer and the Best of the Velvet Underground on 10
F*ck ' em with  a rag dick as Tony Carter used to say?
Never quite sure what he meant but it sounded good.
Watched a J. J. Cale dvd over the weekend and then found out that he went in July too.
Call the doctor I think I'm sick.
Dug out an old Muddy Waters cd yesterday and I am Still A Fool.
And I am never gonna change.
Fuck the dweebs.

Friday, October 25, 2013

fly translove airways baby...

get you there on time.
zilcho happening at the moment.
everyones gone to the moon.
nothing in the paper except the usual squeals about the film industry.
nothing ever happens of course.
people only want to get in on the ground fllor here so they can become a certified genius in one hit.
mostly all the crap in the firs place and then genius stuff for the rest of their natural.
free sausage rolls and the odd root on the speaking circuit in Oamaru or somewhere.
nudge nudge wink wink.
For those who think I wrote to save Time Grosers dignity then you are wrong.
The point is that when the manques at RadioNewZealand try to diss someone by interminable poormouthing of their surnames in a story then the story or news item is lost.
The objective of journalism is to describe events.
Not to air the journalists own personal prejudices.
If the person for example is to their distaste then tough.
Thats not good enough for some in the New Zealand media who use their position to slur and demean because they can without having to face the responsibility of backing up their opinion rather than proceeding with the facts.

and congratulations to Mihinarangi Forbes for her expose and no points for those in Maoridom who want to cane her for pakehafication.
Bit like those who think democracy is majoritarianism.
If you dont like it then just cobble together a meaningless but nasty sounding perjorative.

Monday, October 21, 2013

its all just a dream babe...

a vacuum a scheme babe that sucks you into feeling like this.

The Late Show
Full outro last night.
A real bonus when the programme is tops and then the band.
Thanks Prime.
Felicia is so cool.
I want to A&R her album
Bang Bang, He's A Rebel, Will YOu Still Love Me Tomorrow for starters.
You guys make life in general just that much better.
And Paul.
My favourite album at the moment is Me And Paul by willie.
It brings the wry smile.
Got a cool Waylon DVD from the Redshed this am.
Some studio stuff and a concert.
It dont matter because even in concert the music and Waylons voice is 10 times better than just about anyone else!
No apolgoes for the hardware feature.
Cant beat horsepower.
Transferred 04 to the TASCAM last night.
Should sound like an old timer from down in the delta by next week.
Thats about all for now.
Weather desultory and nondescript.
Saw the Shag fishing below the Waignawa Bridge this am and wanted to be there but you cant always get what you want.

just checked Amazon and the new CD is $45.
woth every penny.
cool tracks and some beauty's in E so way cool for the play along.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

when you walk through a storm...

been copping all this crap lately from Raymond and the Musicjerks.
He just released a collection of music that is pure crap.
No joy. no rhyme and functionally illiterate.
who tells these people that just because they can play the guitar that they have something to say.
He cant even play the guitar properly.
makes all the moves but there isn no music.
its empty.
still as long as he and his GANG keep telling each other how marvellous it is then I guess let them go.
If they want to harass people in the street then that is another kettle of fish and they have to answer for that.
something has gone wrong in Masterton.
The place has become tired and all these marginal types seem to be on the increase.
The notables are typical of New Zealand life.
Come the weekend they get in their cars and go somewhere else to swan around and try  and be someone
and hope like like hell they don't catch aids when they have those outings that nobody else knows about.
Hey look.
That guys nose is falling right off his face.
so the end result is a town that is just a shell.
anyway it was very disturbing this am to listen to this sheila from CareNZ going on about drugs who didn't seem to understand that the primary goal of every addiciton is to prevent the addict from feeling their true thoughts and feelings.
Furthermore she seemed to be of the opinion that treatment for addicts and alchoholics was a function of skinnerian conditioning.
Then Hooton and Mike Williams came on to discuss Len Brown.
Only Mike Williams seemed to understand than in the big washup scumblogger slater and his crew in the kiwi context have just insured Len Brown a third term.
Having  a root is not sleaze per se.
Its just having a root.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

thats why I'm leaving it up to you...

Sunday morning coming down.
Beautiful day.
Not so good in the minds of the cheap bastards in Masterton who think they can do what they like because they own a shop!!!!!!
They know that their member is on the skids and they know that to get a carpetbagger in they need a clear run and they know that I dont give a shit about their shops their cars and their ugly minds.
Usually they try and pay you off but they have nothing I want so they trying to manufacture situations and then claim its not their fault.
You know who I mean.
The poeple who need money and goods to protect their fragile self esteem when they are basically pieces of shit.
They are always going to hide behind something whether it is some gorilla they have on tap or their religion.
Bahumbug ballyhai.

Friday, October 18, 2013

burning of the midnight lamp...

quiet rural saturday morning
not too much traffic on the main road.
people just grooving about.
Good night last night.
Watched Bullitt, listened to Wellingotn demolish Counties-Manukau and grabbed afew of the naff songs that Dave was putting out on RadioArrowFM.
Checked for news and in the USA its all silly stuff.
One item made me larfff.
All federal employees to get a raise next  February!
see it doesn't matter what the advertising industry says on saturday mornings people just want peace and quiet most.
I'm beginning to think Masterton has gone off its head.
For sure the people I went to school with are sick or have become sclerotic, narrow, and suspicious. They like this guy I once worked with who had come to the end of his useful life. He was JP and had worked at this firm for over thirty years.
I noticed that his wirecutters were worn and would hardly cut anymore.
Later I learned that he flipped and was put away.
Sad end.
Anyway Masterton is at the end of its road. Its in terminal decline.
Pharmed out.
The population is mainly old people who you never see, a last hurrah from those who should have gone years ago and a new cohort of creeps who think they have to be as creepy as the old ones to get ahead.
quite probably.
When the super city comes to pass no one from Masterton is going to get the top job and its just as well.
The place is bereft of imagination and inspiration and dusting off the usual suspects is not going to cure the problem at all.
so I will go home soon and finish off the wind that shakes the barley and put some more time into Peter Gellings Delta Tab.
a whole line.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

I hear a symphony...

time for you to do something about the guy in the Masterton Store.
Three weeks ago he suckered me into an argument about music then he asked me to leave.
Last week he saw me coming and ducked back into his store.
this week he came out into the open and made a provocative remark and hey presto there were his two thug mates waiting inside ready to rush out.
Is this the way you do business elsewhere or only in Masterton?

anyway all good things come to those who wait.
Found a VHS  of Bullitt today at the Family Store.
Will help to pass the time this evening.
And Geronimo..........

Still trying to learn the John Lee Hooker riff but I all I have to show for it at the moment is a sore finger!
Its a lot of fun and when I get it down I will be able to throw in every other blues lick in open E just for the flavour.

and found a copy of Charlie Is My Darling at the redshed this morning.
Ya cant beat the Rolling Stones for genyouwine excitement and ram shang a lang.
dvd so I will have to wait till I have gone through my lengthening supply of VHS' that seem to be attracted to me at them moment.
Retro but so what?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Apologies to the United States of America...

Listening to Kathryn Ryan interviewing William Galston of the Brookings Institute on RNZ this am.
Not good.
It was infantile and under researched and undrlain with a sort of PTA guilt tactic to make Galston confess!
Wasn't it.
Using interrogatives in a dialogue with a person of stature is unconscionable and demeaning.
Might be okay with jock meatheads in our particular infantile society but scholars no.
And listening to Ryans questions it was obvious that she and her team have absolutely no idea of how the American Political system works but then when she is dealing with local dumdums and noo noo heads ad infinitum then it is up to her and the team to go the extra mile when confronted

with an event of this magnitude.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

on the streets of Baltimore...

Watched the NFL game of the week last night on channel 14.
First time ever.
Great Stuff.
New England Patriots versus the New Orleans Saints.
Its a tough game.
no doubt a bout that.
They were all wearing pink.
I thought it might be some secret signal of you know!!!
But it was for Cancer Week.
Onya guys.
Anyway I decided that my team is the Baltimore Ravens.
And I have never even seen them.
Straight after that was the Late show with Michael Strahan on.
Dave Letterman very was funny last night.
Grahame Fenwick JOnes called him a berkshire hunt?
nice outro.
Sid leaning on it and the bone was green.
pretty cool huh?
Great show Dave.
Felicia looks hipper than ever.
Yeah baby.
Watched the Mentalist last night.
Scored a book on Criminal Profiling yesterday and it went downa treat.
Frontspiece piccy of son of sam but no credit or mention in the index?
So will get the tab for wish you were here and go home.
Switched off the pick and onto the thumb and fingers and the delta tab is almost installed in the cerbellum.
Thank you Peter Gelling.
Ramon and the dumbos.
boo hoo.

Monday, October 14, 2013

nobody ever told me that...

Parmenides was among the first to propose an ontological characterization of the fundamental nature of reality.Ontology is the philosophical study of the nature of being, becoming, existence, or reality, as well as the basic categories of being and their relations. Traditionally listed as a part of the major branch of philosophy known as metaphysics, ontology deals with questions concerning what entities exist or can be said to exist, and how such entities can be grouped, related within a hierarchy, and subdivided according to similarities and differences. In the broadest sense, Ontologists investigate what makes a human – human, relying on institutional, social, and technical conventions representing a nexus of intellectual activities.

now for something completely different...