Sunday, October 20, 2013

when you walk through a storm...

been copping all this crap lately from Raymond and the Musicjerks.
He just released a collection of music that is pure crap.
No joy. no rhyme and functionally illiterate.
who tells these people that just because they can play the guitar that they have something to say.
He cant even play the guitar properly.
makes all the moves but there isn no music.
its empty.
still as long as he and his GANG keep telling each other how marvellous it is then I guess let them go.
If they want to harass people in the street then that is another kettle of fish and they have to answer for that.
something has gone wrong in Masterton.
The place has become tired and all these marginal types seem to be on the increase.
The notables are typical of New Zealand life.
Come the weekend they get in their cars and go somewhere else to swan around and try  and be someone
and hope like like hell they don't catch aids when they have those outings that nobody else knows about.
Hey look.
That guys nose is falling right off his face.
so the end result is a town that is just a shell.
anyway it was very disturbing this am to listen to this sheila from CareNZ going on about drugs who didn't seem to understand that the primary goal of every addiciton is to prevent the addict from feeling their true thoughts and feelings.
Furthermore she seemed to be of the opinion that treatment for addicts and alchoholics was a function of skinnerian conditioning.
Then Hooton and Mike Williams came on to discuss Len Brown.
Only Mike Williams seemed to understand than in the big washup scumblogger slater and his crew in the kiwi context have just insured Len Brown a third term.
Having  a root is not sleaze per se.
Its just having a root.

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