Monday, February 29, 2016

thats the way it was...

“True words aren't eloquent;
eloquent words aren't true.
Wise men don't need to prove their point;
men who need to prove their point aren't wise.

The Master has no possessions.
The more he does for others,
the happier he is.
The more he gives to others,
the wealthier he is.”
Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching 

the further one travels the less one knows...

“A leader is best
When people barely know he exists
Of a good leader, who talks little,
When his work is done, his aim fulfilled,
They will say, “We did this ourselves.”
Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Thursday, February 25, 2016

back in the usa....

what chew gonna do?

silver threads and golden needles #4...

very tricky melody on the harmonica.
it covers the whole scale.
nightmare if you wanted to crossharp it!
anyway it is nearly there.
so many hooks.
lots of fun and a great achievement for a dunce like me.

next up could be Linda Ronstadts version of "It Doesn't Matter Anymore".
not quite as complex as ST&GN's but challenging int its own way.
nifty runs and modulations and a cool solo to finish off with.

maybe get into Will You Still Love Tomorrow.
Lindas version is guitarred by the fabulous waddy wachtel and he plyas the same solo as the Shirelles version.

much like MIke Bloomfield who note for notes the solo for " Work Song" and also uses fragments for 'Really" on Supersesion.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

make that B....


silver threads and golden needles #2...

Lind Ronstadts version is in C.
My harp is in C so when you listen to the music to get the feel and the notes then toa certain extent they stay there so transposing and learning the new song in a new key on a new instrument is gagagaga especially when the hook is one of those nifty little country figures that does a double back flip in the melody.
That is why it is fun.
Otherwise everyone would be doing it!


Hi Boss.
Can you get the City of Chicago to put up a statue to Mike Bloomfield this year?
A triptyche maybe with Muddy Waters and Paul Butterfield in the flowers

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

its not the end of the world...

it is if ya cant play the riff to walking the dog or around and around.
tragic mate!

now for something completely different...