Friday, March 29, 2013

dont bogart that joint....

Wendy Waldman

Easter Saturday.
Kim HIll Features Richard Dawkins hitman Sean Faircloth
Its all very nice for Dawkins and co to have glittering careers as this or that but to try and systematically deflate the whole christian ethos is criminal.
All Dawkins arguments might be both valid and sound but thats just a drop in the ocean compared to what Jesus has done for us all and drips like dworkins need to get off their asses and read some history.
There is more to life than some crummy syllogism attached to a scientific theory.
Trying to create something out of nothing but your own ego just doesnt do it.
And Dawkins looks like hje has had too many stray r**TS ON THE SPEAKING CIRCUIT AND IT HAS GONE TO HIS HEAD.
He has a bad case of Plato's disease.
Because he knows something he thinks he knows everything!
He is as bad as the late Frank Cioffi who made a career out of trying to debunk Sigmund Freud.
Well Freud will live long after Cioffi is forgotten and shame on the Oxford Companion to Philosophy who give cioffi space to peddle his slurs and slanders with no supporting evidence.
The editors of this volume need a good kick in the pants.

Best wishes go out to Jesse Ryder.
Chch has always been a repository of drunken sleazeballs who think they are tough after a few drinks.

Jane Clifton
on the nail with her thumbnail on the new Speaker of the House.
he has been in the National party caucus so long with brownlee and keys letting rip with snide wisecracks that he thinks it is normal behaviour and that his party  has exemption from any and all other rules.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Jesus loves you...

Hi Paul
Cool show last night
I cant get enough of the band doing hendrix or sam and dave.

to the people of the world
happy easter

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

the rule of law..

see the thing is this government and others believe that winning the election thereby gurantees them the right to do whatever the hell they like.
not so fast
every politician wants to bend the rules in their favour but the lynchpin of democracy is the rule of law and the knowledge that it is fair impartial and not arbitrary.
the nats beleive they have what amounts to divine right to do what they like.
mangle the truth and watch the people flounder just for their amusement in a sea of ad hocery and paternalistic blah.
well I think they have just about had their turn.
dont you?
its the same thing when what is supposed to be a public service is run  for the benefit of the office holder and they have no firm rules.
only stuff they make up on the spot.
wonder where that might be?

flow river flow...

Awhisper Jet flew over me this morning.
wished I was on it
whispering out to sea...

hey got a copy of the soundtrack from Easy Rider.
50c throwout from the Carterton Library
right now I am listening to the "Ballad of Easy Rider" on you tube and later I will get mentally prepared and make my own arrangement...
coool huh?

just like yesterday.

black caps
gallant effort boys
go to england and chase them down
dont let em get away...

Monday, March 25, 2013

let the sin begin...

Paul Shaffer. Cricket is on at the moment so they just putting on all the best recent programmes and saving the rest for later.
anyway it was a re-run of Tina Fey.
The band was hot Paul.
Willie Lee played the choicest bass line I have heard for many a year and Felicia really made me believer that someday maybe there will be a place in her heart just for me!!!!!
coool huh.
Dave got shitty but hey thats just Dave.
New News Media Standards Authority.
Will they listen if I ring them up =and tell them that such and such a programme is just a heap of crap?

Christchurch Cops 6
Boy Wacers 0
get em guys
give em a good thrashing!!!!!!!

Pissed of wif CCTV
they showed all of Jaykaya Kikwete's speech opening the the new Julius Nyerere convention centre but when Xi Jiping got up to speak they cut it off?
whats wrong with you guys?

Judith Collins is a bit of a drongo.
Saying Anette Sykes is stupid is no way to get a dialogue going.
What Ms Sykes lacks in the area of formal logic she more than makes up for in passion and unerstanding of society.
The promotion of Susan Devoy as race relations poobah did not meet with universal approval on Native Affairs on Maori TV last night
(BTW they should find a slot for it on TV1)
Apparently Susan devoy does not understand racism.
i.e attributing the characteristics of one member of a race to all members
and this fudge is tantamount to thumbing their noses at race relations and the human rights commission all in one go and appealing to the lowest common denominator of National Party support.
Ditto the Bank Resolution legislation coming up.
the open disclosure rules for banks has proved to be a nonsense but they insist on going forward with it.
its almost like deliberately introducing socially malevolent policy just for the hell of it.
and if you take the play about Ernie Abbot on board, now running on RNZ 9-noon,  then it becomes readily apparent that there is a streak of demonisn abroad. 

get those kids out there collecting acorns and taking walks and spreading them.

red oak usa

hickory usa

red oak usa

they going on about boomers again in the paper and the wireless.
all I can say is I did my best if it wasn't good enough then tough.
I had a great time listening to the greatest Rock and Roll ever made and learning how to play it on my guitar.
even if I never get to tread the boards my al fresco word of mouth fan club still digs it.
suck on that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

from boulder to birmingham...

Emmy Lou Harris will be here soon.
She is great and I love her singing on Trio with Dolly Parton and Linda Ronstadt.
just beautiful.
Steve Miller Coming too.
This is my favourite album but the first four are aok also.
ya gotta have em
Clarence White and Gram Parsons wont be coming.
I wish they were.
Funny thing is French Jets have shot down down more enemy a/c than any others!
Barack Obama.
Tell it how it is dude.
Walk softly and carry the big stick.
Black Caps.
It doesn't happen every time but today it's looking good.
keep it up.
Cancer Society.
another guilt trip put on the public at large.
Just because you have cancer does not mean that you don't have to obey the rules like everyone else.
that is just total self centredness.
and making people cut there hair is like wanting everyone else to get it too.
David Shearer.
Keep the change dude.
You earned it.
And Mathew Hooton taking an increasingly legalistic view of the world and National Party Policy.
i.e. if its good enough for David Shearer then National has nothing more to worry about.
not so.
Having a narrow take on the law without actually being a prcatitioner means that your view is obscured and especially the principle that every case is different.
as for the media.
they are trying to conjure a feast out of a snack.
they think they can swing every issue but not so.

now for something completely different...