Monday, March 4, 2013

I'm gonna get me a gun...


it aint necessary.
I can look after myself.
Sunday afternoon in Cartertons Carrington Park a young group was playing a song.
It sounded quite good till I got up close and the guy was going on about getting a gun and pulling the trigger on someone.
Dont know who.
But Carterton is a long way from Compton and I didn't see anyone touting crack for sale behind a tree.
At the moment the plan is to put a concrete walkway round the Carterton sports field.
Another idiot scheme dreamed up by the lardasses who never go the park anyway but think they know best.
Hey we have got al your money and now we want to spend it!
Everyone I have talked to says that none of the clubs want it so there ya go.
Just another colossal waste of money by nincompoops.
Oh I forgot.
They gonna have dodgems and other motorised sports in there soon.
You know you cant be a good kiwi unless you know how to muck in and lay concrete or have some motorised accesory to deafen people to demonstrate how large your thingummy is.
apologies for the euphemism but someone calling themselves fayephuxu has taken an interest in this blog lately and is busy reporting it to google.
why dont they just speak up and make a comment?
too slimy

I see the G.O.P. is busy shooting itself in the foot again.
They like my mother in law.
Every Christmas she would say just before the turkey was carved, "  wonder what the poor people are doing now", and she meant it.
Glad I dont go there no more.
David Lettterman.
Hi dude, got a new teev and you are looking good.
Cant play my guitar much at the moment.
My thumb dont wanta go proper.
Needs a rest.
Felicia sounds good tooo.

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