Friday, January 31, 2014

you are like a hurricane...

Go the Hurricanes.
Lets hope its your year this time.
Show 'em how its done.
congrats to the Blackcaps.
Have supported you through thick and thin and now you guys are doing it!
and well.
memo to Brendan McCullum.
Your career will last much longer if you stop drinking!
Its the alchohol that takes the edge off.
Wuz gonna buy the OUtlaw froma a stall this a.m. but no eftpost.
Wil have to wait till next Saturday.
got plenty of other stuff that I am saving for a rainy day.
Slack news.
Nothing is happening.
The Boss is going to pardon the people swelling the rolls of jails for profit in the US.
Vlad says there are no Homosexuals in the USSR and not at the games.
good for him.
Thats pretty gay dude!
Small item on the sesqui in the rag today but the essential thing as I see it is the organisers were not willing to admit there was a US warship at the signing and every time you try and do something with a dishonest premise then it is going to sink.
Right the sun is out and air is fresh and clean and last night I discovered a cheapo cd in the pile of George Jones doing hank williams covers.
So cool. The voice and the pedal steel make the air vibrate.
A pity the NZBS never played George. They refused to admit that was even such a thing as country music in case every one else thought New Zealanders were all bumpkins.
and memo to the poisonous people.
you are still toxic and unwilling to face the truth about yourselves.
totally self will run riot.
and just think how much proper counselling a jaunt around the world including eastern europe would have payed for.
But hey a proper psychiatrist would have told you that you were the problem.
much easier to blame it all on a school counsellor.
or anybody else.
Gotta go now.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

New Improved "New" New Zealand... 20% more KEEWEE Powah

Grey Flannel hat full of teenage werewolves...
I soon realised I was turning into and ADVERTISING MAAAAAAN......
See now that the government is trying to divert Kiwis from the real issues they have once again raised the issue of a new flag for New Zealand and as per usual all the idiotes are jumping on the band wagon and think they know everything there is to know about advertising and brands and the whole kit and caboodle.
all sorts of jingoistic and noo noo headed nonsense. What they dont know is that when the noo noo heads at Coca Cola got too smart for their boots they nearly wrecked the whole brand.
As for Cath Tizard and her boosterism about modern New Zealand she should take a look around. Just because the yoof walk around with stuff stuck in their ears and you can donwload movies faster does not take away from the fact that New Zealand was built on the flag we have now and any proposed changes are the fantasies of people with the attention span of a flea!

Art For Arts Sake: Okay Lupinski. Gimme that Stradavarius or I'll stun ya into the pavement!!!!!

Great to see Ben Harper get his Grammy for best album with "Get Up".
you real music man.
Not somewhining gamine.
Saw him and Charlie Musselwhite doin' it on the teevee last night and they were hot hot hot.
And back here in lil ol New New Zealand there was absolutely no mention of any other category or the winners of the Grammys except the NewnewZealand entry.
Its time for Keewees to pull their heads out of their bums before the rest of the world sees us for the self absorbed stupid little gang of self obsessed bucolic idiotes we really are.
and 'idiotes' is a good old ancient greek word for the pains in th ebums that could only do for themselves.
Poor old Justin Bieber.
Feeling his oats. Trying to be a baaaaad boy. hmmmmmmm? always stuck up for him because he busked his way into the winners circle but unfortunately he doesn't seem to have the mental equipment to make the most of it and now he is carrying on like white trash that have struck it rich.
Just having money, new tuff stickas and an attitude does not make you a tough guy!

did you run away from home?
I was on the back of a covered wagon and I fell off.
my home ran away from me!

When a true genius appears you will know him by this mark; the dunces are in confederacy against him.
Well when I used to volunteer for the now defunct left wing weekly "City Voice" the ad people loved me. I could walk into their office, condense the nub and turn a phrase and walk out without stopping.
The pseuds in the editorial dept hated me.
anyway the nit wits around here wont give me a start either.
They are so fucking jealous.
They want to cut off their noses to spite their faces!
Well they can all stick it up their arse.
I.m going home now to listen to the cricket, george jones and kitty wells and the definitive delta blues singers and they can stick it!

And later:
On the way home I came across all these cultural artefacts at the thrift store and I just had to come back and check them on e-bay.
Not really worth all that much but immensely satisfying to get some stuff from way back when.

ya cant catch meeeeeeee........

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

they would not bend...

They wouldn't bend

They held on to the will of God so we are told

They wouldn't bow

They would not bow their knees to Idols made of gold

They wouldn't burn

They were protected by the Fourth Man in the fire

They wouldn't bend

They wouldn't bow, they wouldn't burn.

Now the prophet Daniel tells about

Three men who walked with God

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego

Before the wicked king they stood

And the king commanded them bound and thrown

Into the fiery furnace that day

But the fire was so hot that the men were slain

That forced them on their way.


Now when the three were cast in and the king rose up

To witness this awful fate

He began to tremble at what he saw

In astonished tones he spake

Did we not cast three men bound

Into the midst of the fire

Well, Lo, I see four men unhurt

Unbound and walkin' down there;

There's Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego

And the fiery coals they trod

But the form of the Fourth Man that I see

Is like the Son of God

Add song meaning


Hi folks;
Another day in Godzone country where the manques and the parvenus are busy beavering away trying to make everything to their shallow liking.
The Latest one is the New Zealand flag.
The latest gang of brain dead jackanapes want to change it so it fits their version of how to market the New Zealand brand. What the fuck is the matter with these pinheads. New Zealand is not Campobells soup. The people here are diverse and proud of their individuality. NOt some homogeneous mass squezed out of a tube.
One commentator says that their version of what the flag should be is like a black melanoma and just as nasty.
Why do these people think they know everything and have the right to speak for everyone just because they scored a few goals in a game somewhere.
Take jona for instance. When the cops bent over for him and let him go about the place with no muffler then every nitwit in the land assumed they had the right to do the same and the place became a madhouse in no time flat. and whats more they are still doing it. i.e. driving round with no mufflers because they have small penises and want to let everyone know that they are somebodies. Crummy.
Ideas have consequences you fatheads.

Message to HRH Queen Elizabeth.
I get really pissed of with upstarts who think they can chip you over the cost of running the royal household.
They just want to think that they are bigger than you.
I don't think so.

More nonsense from the MSM this morning where the Dompost claims that being an MP is a job.
Not so. THe role of an MP is to represent the people in their electorate.
Trying to make it something it is not is not good for democracy or the perception of the voters that their represntative is independent of any other institution.
Its just the Kiwi desire and belief that rules can fix anything.
Yeah right. that words are more important than the deed.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Altar Song-- RIP Pete Seeger... I fought the law and the law won...

Farewell Pete Seeger. We owe you more than we can ever say. Somehow on your won and with your friends you opened up a whole new world of music and protest for us all.
Thats not to say that all your ppolitics were correct or that everybody agreed with everything but you tooka stand and thas what counts.
I fought the law and the law won.
It always does.
The ivory tower theorists conjure up all sort of crap to explain the formation of the state and most of them are wrong because they do not take account of the facts.
Take the house of Morgan for instance.
The first MOrgan off the boat was big man and elected as keeper of the fences and master of the pound.
Within a short while he had control of al the little colonies specie and currency and was a banker!
and if you look at ancient Egypt it is obvious that the priests who wokred out the calendar and the effusion of the Nile were in a superior position. The same goes for the men who controlled the water in ancient Mesopotamia.
Looking only to ancient Greece for a model is not adequate for any real understanding.
Its all about power and the early greeks were able to establish a form of democracy just because no one group or man could control the whole economy.
Now the state is monolithic.
what rules is brute power and by and large it is necessary to control the anrachists who would tear the whole thing down just because they saw an opportunity to wreak their own personal havoc on the world.
Unfortunately it leaves little room for dissent and disagrement but in the end it all works out.
Whether to everyones advantage is another question but the human spirit is such that it will not die and will not sustain oppression indefinitely.
Little Feat?
At the moment I am listening to a Linda Ronstadt Collection with 'Roll Um Easy' on it. Its in the key of C. I swore that Ragtime Annie was the last song I was ever going to learn but I just have to get this one under my belt and Lowell George does a mighty slide solo on it too.
so there ya go.
And I went to town this am to get some new shorts from the Warehouse before they sold out of the ones I like and in the end I just seemed to attract a whole bag of vhs' that I couldnt resists.
Wake up little susie...wakeup!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Stranger And Friend.... or what happened in history

Hortense Powdermaker

Margaret Mead

V. Gordon Childe

Found a really good copy of 'What Happened In History' by V. Gordon Childe yesterday.
One of the building blocks for an understanding of our world. A must read before the faculty tries to confuse you with the obscurantists like Levi-Strauss. When somebody mnentions him I feel as if they are just like all post modernists trying to confuse you so their own position is protected!
Happy trails kiddies.

Add caption

Ruth Benedict
'they' all try and pretend that these people are old fashioned and what they have to say doesn't matter anymore but the truth is what they have to say is more and more important every day but you know the score. fair is foul and foul is fair and we know everything there is to know and what we dont know doesn't matter or we would know it.
what is most important is my trip to some foreign country so I can gawk at the natives and come back with bullshit made up stories or other tripe that is basically inconsequential.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

the manufacture of assent...

It was tragic watching the siege of Napier last night.
I t seemed like it was totally unnecessary and that Jan Molenaar had a very loose wig and had  needed help for some time. Instead it was allowed to fester till he flipped and a good men lost his life.
Not good.
Thats the KIWI way. Never do anything properly until its too bloody late!
However it must be remembered that in 2009 New Zealand was awash with methamphetamines and synthetic cannabis and urban New Zealand was subjected to the incessant roar of uncontrolled juveniles going round and round in cars with no mufflers.
New Zealand was a bloody MADHOUSE!
Nobody wanted to do anything about that either.
"they are just kids and we must pander to them in case they are traumatised"
yeah right.
It was as if all social controls had been ignored and released and the 'naice' people had retreated into  their enclaves and g&t's.
their choice right?
It is never spoken but it cost Labour the election because they wouln't do anything about it!

Once it was a way for the poor people to rise above their circumstances and make a living for themselves.
Now it has become medium for rich kids to show off by  buying  their five minutes worth of fame.
It cost men at work $US150,000 for their US No 1 hit so Lord knows how much it costs these days and more to the point who pays.

Democracy in America/New Zealand
Alexis de Tocqueville 1835

"when the inhabitant of a democratic country compares himself individually with all those about him, he feels with pride that he is the equal of any one of them: but when he comes to survey the totality of his fellows , and to place himself in contrast to so huge a body, he is instantly overwhelmed by the sense of his own insignificance and weakness. The same quality which renders him independent of each of his fellow-citizens taken severally, exposes him alone and unprotected to the influence of the greater number.

The Public has therefore among a democratic people a singular power of which aristocratic nations could never so much as conceive and idea.; for it does not persuade to certain opinions,but it enforces them, and infuses them into the faculties by a sort of enormous pressure of the minds of all upon the reason of each."

In america/new zealand the majority raises very formidable barriers to the liberty of opinion; within these barriers an author may write whatever he pleases, but he will repent it ifhe ever steps beyond them.
Not that he is exposed to the terrors of an auto-da-fe, but he is tormented by the slights and persecutions of daily obloquy. His political career is closed forever, since he has offended the only authority which is able to promote hsi success. Every sort of compensation, even that of celebrity is refused to him. Before he published his opinions he imagined that the held them in common with many others; but no sooner has he decalred them opnely than he is loudly censured by his overbearing opponents, whilst those who think without haveing the courage to speak, like him, abandon him in silence. He yields at length, oppressed by the daily efforts he has been making, and he subsides into silence, as if he was tormented by remorse for having spoken the truth.

Alexis de Tocqueville

Listened to the talking book of the IceMan Richard Kuklinski yesterday. A long slog but worth it. How the skinny kid got picked on till he could no longer take it and killed his chief tormentor from ambush. Then he grew into a 6' 4" monster and he began to kill for fun.
The Police got him in the end but not till he got over 100.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Blame it on the stones...

I'M sitting here listening to Kris Kristofferson singing “To Beat The Devil”, after reading the review on a new bio of Johnny Cash in todays SST. It sort of says it all. The bio and the song. The same album on the VLC is called Blame It On The Stones. Yes indeed. This morning I cracked According To the Stones. (BTW its good to hear that Mick Taylor is back in the group for this tour).
One of those books that you can just dip into at any point and take up the story. This time it was Charlie and Keith talking about their first trip to the Chess Studios in Chicago to record some tracks including their one and only instrumental, 2120 South Michigan Avenue. Keith says that the story of Muddy Waters painting one of the recording booths and helping to carry their gear in is true.
Charlie takes up the story relating how in the studio next to them was a group including Speckled Red who in Charlies opinion was better than them at that stage and Keith opined that even so Speckled Red was never going to get the fame and acclaim and the money that was ins store for the Stones. Keith also said that where ever they went in those first tours of the United States that the Black guys always wanted them to get up and play with them.
And herein lies the difference. In America in the fifties and 60's music was the only alternative for black groups besides getting their heads busted in pro/am boxing and country music was a way of making a living for poor whites and the country was big enough to accommodate many many groups with infinite variety of styles and repertoires.
In New Zealand however the thing was and still is to get up and running and because the arena is so circumscribed musicians get accorded a rise in social status even it they ain't any good (sic).
Whats worse in New Zealand is the adoption of faux attitudes and leaning to the sentimental and the saccarhine and ignoring of the grunt and pretending that wearing a cowboy hat makes yo something that you are not.
Don't talk to me I'm a musician.
Cant you see I'm so f*c*ing important!
Its no accident that Kiwis that go to Nashville get the brushoff because basically they are fakes and the Americans can spot them a mile off.
Now Johnny is getting down on The Fourth Man. A really great country gospel number by the Statler Brothers telling their version of Shadrach Meschach and Abednigo. As good as going to church on a Sunday morning.
Anyway I'm glad I never learned to play too young. Hooked into cheap sex, funny money and having your ass kissed by the bloodsuckers and the record company. And worst of all having to keep company with the geeks who think they are your peers. Now I play because I like doing it and it makes me feel real and when I get to feeble to do it then I can look back to when I had a great time doing something that I loved and expecting nothing back for it except personal satisfaction.

Also great to read the piece on schools chucking out the rules for playgrounds. No time for bullies when you are doing something that requires co-operation and teamwork and imagination.
The tragedy is that KIWI's believe they can fix anything with enough rules. Do this. Do that.
The rule is that you cant talk to me because I am a musician/filmmaker/artist and so important that I don't need to talk to you. Don't you know that because I have an old landrover that my Sh*t doesn't stink!

Not so good to read the attitude of Shane Jones concerning alcoholism and drug use by young people. Its no good blaming the substance Shane. People can get addicted to fence posts you know.
The problem lies with the parents and until you address that then you are just using the substance as a strawman so you don't have to do anything! It might make you feel big puffing out your chest and railing about the symptom when you are doing nothing about the cause.

I see someone trawling thorugh my posts looking for stuff about DRUGS.
Well my position is this. Alcohol is a defense against paranoia which is in itself a defense against passive unconscious homosexuality. cannabis is an attempt to contol the users depression. the fact is neither of them is any good in the long run is not the point. People need something whether it is a cup of tea ora fence post to give themselves the illusion of control over their feelings but because alchohol is taxable, difficult to manufacture and useful for the industrial process then it is going to win hands down.
take your pick!


Friday, January 24, 2014

New Zealands Best Ever Movie....

better than all the rest.

spot the difference...

See in the old days the music was the triumph of the human spirit over adversity and the people who wanted slaves to toil for them.
Now the music is the vanity publishing of crack dealers and egotistic no talents who want their 5 minutes on the teavy.
A metaphor for what has changed and what it happening in the world today.
Its all image with no substance.
Now we live in the age of importance.
Its important forr you to know that:
I have a gold rolex
I go to Bali for my holidays
I have an i-phone
I have a fantastic collection of stamps
I have 251,000  friends on f*c*book.
I can tell lies about you and f*c* you up without even trying
I know someone that knows someone else
I can do what ever I like
yeah right

now for something completely different...