Friday, January 3, 2014

will it fly...

Saturday morning and all is quiet. Nothing much happening. Lots of Kiwi wiseacres hanging around. You know the ones. Their wives made them get their b*lls snipped and they have had the same job for thirty years and they think therefore they  know everything.
Now after spendign as much as they can on the fruitless quest of bribing their grandkids to love them and finding out it doesn't work they buy a vehicle and go round the country in a fruitless quest for themselves that they can only find by contemplation.
In the immortal words of Alfred E. Neumann...yetchhhhhhhhhh.
Thats why they murdered Socrates. He pointed out that because the people in power in Athens at the time knew something they thought they knew everything.
Got a whole lot of old aeroplane mags before Xmas. all sorts of weird and wonderful creations of the human mind.
Will it fly?
will it float?

Channel Four doing a wonderful job at 7 with JUst Shoot Me.
Very funny. The teevee news said it was put inplace as a repeat because they couldn't get something else but who cares.
They dont get much funnier than this.
Last night it was Mark Hammil pursuing Dennis.
Pee yourself funny.
I meanif you want hip then this is it.
Hipper than some geek chef or a gold rolex in the saturday supplement if you know what I mean.

Here is the immortal quote from JUrgen Habermass about the importance of Chrisitianiy to western civilisation. I mean we could be living under and eastern despotism now if things had gone the other way.

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Join Goodreads Jürgen Habermas > Quotes

Jürgen Habermas quotes (showing 1-2 of 2)

“For the normative self-understanding of modernity, Christianity has functioned as more than just a precursor or catalyst. Universalistic egalitarianism, from which sprang the ideals of freedom and a collective life in solidarity, the autonomous conduct of life and emancipation, the individual morality of conscience, human rights and democracy, is the direct legacy of the Judaic ethic of justice and the Christian ethic of love. This legacy, substantially unchanged, has been the object of a continual critical reappropriation and reinterpretation. Up to this very day there is no alternative to it. And in light of the current challenges of a post-national constellation, we must draw sustenance now, as in the past, from this substance. Everything else is idle postmodern talk.”

― Jürgen Habermas

  If you want a good example of post modern nitwittery then all you have to do is read the oecd score on New Zealand schools "OUTPUTS" on science and maths.
only your own truths count dudes!
yeah right.

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