Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Altar Song-- RIP Pete Seeger... I fought the law and the law won...

Farewell Pete Seeger. We owe you more than we can ever say. Somehow on your won and with your friends you opened up a whole new world of music and protest for us all.
Thats not to say that all your ppolitics were correct or that everybody agreed with everything but you tooka stand and thas what counts.
I fought the law and the law won.
It always does.
The ivory tower theorists conjure up all sort of crap to explain the formation of the state and most of them are wrong because they do not take account of the facts.
Take the house of Morgan for instance.
The first MOrgan off the boat was big man and elected as keeper of the fences and master of the pound.
Within a short while he had control of al the little colonies specie and currency and was a banker!
and if you look at ancient Egypt it is obvious that the priests who wokred out the calendar and the effusion of the Nile were in a superior position. The same goes for the men who controlled the water in ancient Mesopotamia.
Looking only to ancient Greece for a model is not adequate for any real understanding.
Its all about power and the early greeks were able to establish a form of democracy just because no one group or man could control the whole economy.
Now the state is monolithic.
what rules is brute power and by and large it is necessary to control the anrachists who would tear the whole thing down just because they saw an opportunity to wreak their own personal havoc on the world.
Unfortunately it leaves little room for dissent and disagrement but in the end it all works out.
Whether to everyones advantage is another question but the human spirit is such that it will not die and will not sustain oppression indefinitely.
Little Feat?
At the moment I am listening to a Linda Ronstadt Collection with 'Roll Um Easy' on it. Its in the key of C. I swore that Ragtime Annie was the last song I was ever going to learn but I just have to get this one under my belt and Lowell George does a mighty slide solo on it too.
so there ya go.
And I went to town this am to get some new shorts from the Warehouse before they sold out of the ones I like and in the end I just seemed to attract a whole bag of vhs' that I couldnt resists.
Wake up little susie...wakeup!

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