Sunday, January 12, 2014

caucus or cabinet???

Great to hear Sir Geoffrey Palmer talking about polticis this morning.
Two of his pponts were a) enshrining certain rights in the bill of rights that cannot be overturned at the whim of a parliament and b) teaching the mechanics of politics in New Zealand.
The first is contentious because without safeguards any gang of legislators can overturn the bill of rights with a one vote majority and that is plainly just not good enough.
Secondly the mechanics of the NZ political systme dont seem to be taught in New Zealand schools anymore because it seems as if the educators/pedagogues cant tell the difference between the system and the protagonists. What does this say about about the eductation system?
Cant say too much about the restof RNZ this morning.
First of all I was appalled by the banal and incessant use of interrogatives by movie reviewer Sarah Watt. it was nauseous and almost as bad as the peekaboo cricket commentators who use this device continually  and spoil the cricket too with their more or less infantile commentaries.
What the hell is happening here?
Then Summer NOel kept promising an item on the meaning of Bob Dylans lyrics but it wasn't revealed till after the 11 o'clock news that it was the very last item and that it was necessary to sit through the tedious twaddle of Finlay Macdonald (another  incessaznt user of interrogatives) going on about virginia woolf and oscar wilde. I got a woman shes so mean sticks my boots in the washing machine. and the otehr one when I hear his name I begin to barffffffff. ooops finlay macdonald.

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