Sunday, December 11, 2011

reform and non reform

new zealand is the place where the baby is always chucked out with the bathwater, no one says what they mean, and whatever policy plank anyone was elected on they do exactly the opposite!
miracle in this morning s rag.
black sticks were applauded for coming fourth.
I don't know why hockey gets a let off but generally anybody who loses gets a drubbing from the media and retires from the sport rather than letting a whole gang of no talent wannabees give them a thrashing in the newspaper.
alcohol reform. the hours of sale are going to be altered so you cant buy alcohol between 4am and 7am.
whipty f*cking doo!
how brave.
how progressive.
new zealand is also the place where every right wing nutbar nightmare idea from the USA that only gets aired on the fringes gets taken seriously.
the newly elected national party is about to wreck the whole public school system so that a bunch of idiots can get their hands on the funding.
this is total madness.
there is nothing wrong with the school system.
it aint broke and it don't need fixing.
the problem if there is one is in the homes of the underprivileged but the right wing nutbars are using that as an excuse to pull everything apart for their own personal gain.

the country has gone on the wonk and the accountants are pandering to the ignoratii and lowest common denominator.
p.s. I like Zhukov. a great general.

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