Monday, December 5, 2011

how hip are you dude...come on the hippeis

wet day today. no one around. nothing in the rag except the old curmudgeo going on about welfare and child poverty in New Zealand. as ussual he has got the completeley wrong end of the stick. somewhere along the line he has swallowed the idea that poor people can created jobs for themselves??????????? he doesnt seem to realise that industry relies on poor people to fil vacancies when the economy is running at full capacity but unlike the US or china they just dont disappear in new zealand. there is nowhere for them to go. so unless he supports statesponsored genocide then the country has just got to put up with them, like it or not. the real question is how so many people of very low intelligence are enabled by support agencies and the rest of the doogooders to breed indiscriminately. who has done an iq survey of the biggest families on the dpb?
no one!
thats who.
no social surveys are done in new zealand because the rest of us will not like the results.
the only surveys that are ever done here are whether you like baked beans or spaghetti.
thats all WE need to know here.
Its all very sad.
New Zealand is an area of recent settlement and the defining document is the 1968 world bank report.
yet the retailers and other interest groups keep insisiting on a growth path that is transient and unsustainable and only supported by overseas borrowing for goods and services to pander to the grandiose dreams of ignorant people.
dear santa',
a leaf blower
horizontal planer,
angle grinder
outboard motor (with 44 gallon drum so I can run it in the back yard on sundays)
home gardeners poisoners spray pack,
plastic hot rod,
trip to mongloia etc for xmas.
make it snappy willya!

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