Thursday, March 14, 2013

dumocracy roolz...

apropos of nothing really.
no howling wolf or Albert king.
went down to see a pal this morning.
he gave me a nice french cane and read some poetry.
neither of us wants to grow old but as we grow older we don't get any younger.
A good English poet who takes the piss out of T.S. Elliot
very funny
had to come up to town so I left early.
met one of the old geezers from next door.
he tells me that the new policy from the staff is not to speak to the residents.
they have new team leader you see with lots of experience.
ho hum.
new rules too.
and the gardener is still a frigging idiot.
totally externally referenced.
If he looks like a gardener then he is one.
yeah right.
he doesn't know what the hell he is doing and everything is for show.
and he has got the manager bluffed.
today he was watering the only plants in the verge that are specifically drought tolerant!!!!!
I cant believe that these sorts of people get the gigs.
just like the new team leader.
the place is supposed to be run for the inmates but has  gradually  reached that institutional size where the organisation and the staffs terms and conditions have more importance than the welfare of the inmates.
hey that post modernism for ya.
new Zealand is totally wonked out.
everywhere you look there are idiots with accountancy degrees running the show and they think they know everything!
or their underpants are too tight.
Take the Automobile Association for instance.
Some poor old junkie got off a DUI because the quack wasn't able to  take a sample of his blood alcohol because there were no veins left.
right says the AA. lets change the law that is based on the science that it is the amount of alcohol in blood that causes drunkenness to breath testing.
who needs scince when we can just make it up as we go?
if we the AA say it is science then it is science.
near enough is good enough.
Well the AA doesn't impress me.
for the whole of the nineties they never raised a skerrick of objection to infantile boy wacers and plastic hot rod owners or hardly davison lardasses blighting our towns and suburbs with their noise.
Why didnt the AA raise any objection to that.
They should answer that.
New Zealand is rapidly turning into a dumocracy..
you know...
we are ruled by accountants, rugby players and people with cars.
they all suffer from the platonic disease.
they think because they know something they know everything.

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