Tuesday, October 1, 2013

more news from the sixties...

the monorail
never underestimate the desire for rugged kiwi entrprepreneur type individuals or did I already say that to want to have their own electric train set and b
uugger everyone else.
am really conflicted.
trying to learn rally round the flag and dixie at the same time.
dead kiwis at the zooo.
leave the damm things alone willya.
the more you frig around with them the more they get neurotic illnesses.

Local Body Elections
Can someone promise to buy Carter Court two bags of di-phasic superphosphate immediately anda a fifity dollar gas voucher so the 'gardener' is not out of pocket if he has to mow it properly.
If you want a lawn then you gotta feed it.

ciao baby.

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