Thursday, January 7, 2016

the times are a changin'...

totally captivated by Kiri Te Kanawa on RNZ this morning.
She is straight up as they say.
Cant abide fakes.
They played a nice aria.
Beautiful really. Full rounded timbre, urgernt attack and delivery and possessed of an emotinal ocntent which is usually absent from most female opera singers.
Fantastic stuff.
I listen to the Concert Programmme but I have never heard this before?
And her tips.
No faking it and stickability and no copying off you tube.
I heard a kid busking in masterton the other day.
He had a whole collection fo Stevie Ray Vaughan licks down pat but he couldnt connect them.
Thats no use at all.

Watched the godfather the other night.
a film where the chracters totally lacked any moral compass.
A criminal is someone who believes that they can get what they want without working for it.
And KIlling if necessary.
anyway aprat from that the cinematography was marvellous.
The best American directors can incredible things with no dialogue whatsoever.
A total contrast to New Zealand drama which revolves around immature twenty somethings endlessly analysing their sex lives and non stop yakking.
or should tha tbe yukking?
And speaking of weak stuff if I have to listen to yet another dweeb claiming that Richard Pearse was the first man to fly then I will scream.
The Encylopedia  of New Zeleand is full of stuff that would make great radio0 but no one will take a chance.
All they have to do is open a page and go from there!
they all weak as piss and the same old crap gets trotted out year after year.

The times they are a changin all right.
Nobody knows whats going to happen.

Found the complete first season of TAXI in Cartertons Vinnies the other day.
More belly laughs than the last five years.
Whey dont so called Kiwi Writers watch this stuff and get some IDEAS.
you morons.
More interested in getting noticed, invited to select dinner parties and scoring a root.

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