Friday, March 7, 2014

The idiocy of Philosophy... 20th century English bullshitters....

The writer Boethius 480-524 wrote one of the outstanding books of antiquity; The Consolations Of Philosophy.

Now if thy mental eye conducted be

From light to light as I resound their frame,

The eighth well worth attention thou wilt see.

The soul who pointed out the world's dark ways,

To all who listen, its deceits unfolding.

Beneath in Cieldauro lies the frame

Whence it was driven; from woe and exile to

This fair abode of peace and bliss it came.[21]

Philosophy has come a long way since then.
Recently I came across a copy of The New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought.
A neat little compendium but suspect in its contributors. There is the standard puff on Gnome Chumpsky who is an out an out and out fraud and the section of Psychoanalysis is not worth the paper it is written on.
The writer is  one BA Farrell, emeritus professor of mental philosophy (SIC) Oxford, who  writes an admirable outline of the main features of Freud's Schema and then disparages it all with a comparison to Ptolemy (which?) and Mesmer.
That is the trouble with philosophers who dabble in things they don't understand. Or more to the point the things they do understand but reject because they need to protect their own ego systems and psychic integrity for what its worth. They dont want to beleive that anyone can analyse their sexuality or unconscious motives. In other words dishonest. They want to do sex but talking about it makes them aroused and they cant handle that in any objective fashion.
I tried to Google Farrell but he wasn't on  WIKI and his books had no reviews or ratings.
So much for him.
The contributor on Linguistics is one Quinton another English academic philosopher who was also in the house of lords don't you know. Well kiss his ass. He goes on to laud chumpsky and Wittgenstein and repeats the canard that Wittgenstein's philosophy is "therapeutic" because he solves linguistic puzzles.
More utter crap.
How can that cure medical disease?
Freud invented a system for the diagnosis and treatment of neuroses and psychoses. All Wittgenstein did was write a whole parcel of words to confuse people and keep them busy and off his case.
Just like these other philosophers who think they can get away with writing screeds of nonsense that nobody reads because it doesn't amount to anything.
These pommies don't want to recognise Freud but they suck up to Popper and the other frauds.
Why is this?
And Getting back to Wittgenstein one visitor to the house he designed opined that by looking through the window you could look up the skirts of women ascending the staircase.
As Witty was a h*m*sexual I suppose unconsciously he wanted to be able to determine if his visitors had the equipment or not. 

The Carterton School Fair was on last evening.
Last year the weather turned on a windy shocker but last night it was balmy and hot?
it it ain't one thing then its another.
I scored: Gimme Shelter (VHS) The Rock and Roll Circus (VHS) and The Stones In The Park (VHS)
I had to laugh at the end of that one because the fade out shot was a very old lady looking completely bemused by the whole affair.tee hee.
Rock and Roll Circus was OK too. Keiths live solo on Sympathy For The Devil shows that he was already a virtuoso.
And Yoko amazed everyone with her singing.

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