Monday, April 14, 2014

your time is gonna come...

every picture tells a story dont it?
lovely day today.
arose early an put on Led Zeppelins first album.
Heavy Metal.
The the idiot from next door came past with his spray pack and spoiled  everything.
I wanted to say something but I just closed the door and retreated inside.
amazing how idiots who dont know what they are doing get the jobs and then impose their will on the world.
It happens everywhere.
If he only learned to use his tools properly instead of trying to poison eveytrhing then the place would look like it was growing instead of dying.
He used to be a ladies hairdresser so I guess he is trying to look like a gardener and and bit of spray and a lot bullshit and everything is ok.
And the people at Carter Court should recognise that he is and idiot but hey he looks good!
Thats all that counts.

I am reminded of the idiot who didn't like radial engines and the Bristol company and because he was the chief procurement officer for the RAF stopped them from having the best piston engine fighter ever made.
Stupidity rules everywhere.

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