Monday, January 12, 2015

way back in the early 20th century...

and the late 1960's,

bought a rock encyclopedia yesterday.
only $2 at the Family Store.
Every Christmas I seem to go back to reading about the glory days of  60's music when supposedly yo had no choice but just read the hit parade lists for the decade and it is patently obvious that everyone was spoilt for choice.
ken dodd alongside Jimi Hendrix.
that doesn't happen now.
I mean nobody can play like Hendrix for a start but also it seems as if those nurseries for the big time, i.e. British workingman's clubs do not nurture the talent that they used to and now its all mush.
it all sounds the same.
the sheilas are sexless and the guys have no balls.
unless they are surrounded by a gang of henchmen gibbering in the background.
is this what it has come to?

and the revisionist critics.
the thing is none of them can play music but they all want to make sweeping statements based solely on what they like.
now that's pretty crummy but that's life now.
everything is either plastic or synthesised.
the real is gone.
and for good!

no more slurpings at the narthex!

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