Wednesday, April 8, 2015

those were the days...

Bit of Eric action in the rag lately culminating in a full page averring that Eric was the best.
Best at what?
Making money?

They were all good uns.
Jimi Hendrix had more flash than any of them and he composed little 45rpm gems that Mozart himself would have been proud of.
Eric made his name playing Freddy Kings showpiece "Hideaway".
A tune cobbled together out of many parts and assembled into a blazing tour de force that Eric managed to arrange by ear from the record.
Thats a pretty amazing feat.
Who can do that today.
By the time of the Beano album Eric was a bona fide star and has remained so till this day.
My fovourite Eric track is "Have You Ever Loved A Woman" off the Layla album.
Eric and Duane Allman made an improvisation that will probably never be beaten for bravura over the top improvisation that thrills the listener to the bone.
It never got any better.
After all that my favourite player is and will always be Mike Bloomfield.
rip Mike.
and here is a tip.
Have You Ever Loved A Woman is in the keyof C and played in the first position.
Keep listening and all the good bits will seep into the synapses eventually.
When I dialled the media player on my cd the first thing is spat out was KOKO by Charlie Parker.
Also in the key of C.
Keep them both on high rotation and see what pops out!

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