Tuesday, November 29, 2016

it takes one to know one...

Never heard so much twaddle in my life as on Radio New Zealand this morning.
First up was that hoary old perennial bullying.
How many times has RNZ had this topic this year?
What has changed?
Bullying is epidemic in New Zealand.
Everyone is trying to be one up or enforce their will on someone else.
Perhaps there is nothing else for kiwis to do.
They snoop they pry they nark and if all else fails they get someone to give you the bash.
Mainly because they cant face the truth about themselves.
Criminality is all about getting what you want without having to work for it.
It is as simple as that but hey another academic from their ivory tower gets up on the radio and pontificates with their sociology jargon and nothing ever changes.
Anthropologists agree that there is no such thing as a national character but the advent of the Nazis in Germany demonstrates that people will just follow the party line.
and if that is bashing unfortunates, intimidating, standing over and taking off others so be it.
YOu can see it every day in any small town in New Zealand  after school is out  where there is a cohort that bullys the other kids for their lunch money or leftovers and nobody ever does anything about that.

And after that we had psychologist Waikaremoana Waitoki pontificating that mental illness is cultural specific.
Yes indeed.
It is specific to all cultures!
The greeks classified the three main syndromes 3000 years ago.
Manic Depression
There are character disorders as well.
and most of them are refractory and resistant to any treatment.
If Ms Waitoki is correct and in this matter she is wrong then the question should be asked why does this particular culture throw up so many afflicted.
Furthermore psychology is not psychiatry and 6 years at university studying the rate of nerve impusles in the axons is no basis for  diagnosing and illness let alone attempting any sort of amelioration short of arguing with the patient which is a form of class bullying.
Ms Waitoki seems to be arguing for cultural relativism but if it takes one to know one (Sapir -Whorff hypothesis) then no one can know anybody else because we are all ones.
People living in different cultures cannot be living in  a different world they are just living differently in the same world and trying to create differences smacks of closed shop tactics to ensure an income and bu
llying the authorities with bushwah till they come across with the funds.

That is the kiwi way.
Ms Waitoki should get off her bum face the challenge and do the hard yards if she really wants to know what makes people ill otherwise she is just another postmodern dilletante.

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