Wednesday, July 5, 2017

epistle to dippy...

Went down to Featherston yesterday.
It was nice and sunny, not too many people around but that light airy feeling in a country town when God is in his heaven.
Had to go and see someone I know who is getting power bills of $450 a month when hi sflat is only as big as mine.
He was not there so I will have to go back again soon.
However I got a really nice copy of Aristotles 'Ethics'.
It goes on the bedside reading table with Beyond Good  and Evil.
Heavy stuff but mucho fun to keep the oldtimers disease at bay.
Having fun with a facebook friend.
Yesterday I quoted a line form a Donovan Song and they quoted the next one back at me and I missed it. Felt like a real dummy!!!!
I snapped back so I hope I am forgiven today.

and I ran into an old schoolfriend.
a dyed in the wool tory.
He let it slip that even the tories  in the Wairarapa call their MP Allistair Scott " The Invisible Man".
silly boy.

Allistair Scott.

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