Tuesday, January 23, 2018

sadness for joe bennett...

He missed the point allright.
to write the Beatles off  as simply  writers of a few catchy ditties is a very poor understanding of the sixties and what they meant.
As if all the 60's was just another throwaway episode in the consumer culture of waste and the next big thing
For an over age boozer and composer of vapid prose it might seem an easy target to let go a stream of venom and spite for something that the modern world can never recreate is pretty childish and shows how lightly culture touched the hidebound dinosaurs of yesteryear. 
They didn't understand then and they dont understand now.
Modernity has brought with it unparalleled extensions of authoritarianism and inability to accept the legitimacy  of anything but the demands of the ruling elite.
Users are always in the business of protecting their supply and Bennett protects his in part by spruiking for the team that wants to destroy the world so they can have jets hotels booze cricket and bad poetry now!
and fuck posterity.
btw I have 13 Beatles albums, 17 Rolling Stones, many others by them, the who, the kinks, the animals, the pretty things, the yardbirds, and the easy beats whose nifty arrangement /renditon of Friday On My Mind  would make Mozart gasp!

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