Saturday, October 20, 2018

send me a cake with a file inside...

yes folks I am in FB jail.
can read it and post my own views such as they are but cannot comment!
thats where all the fun is.
I asked FB several times why they did this but eventually all I got was a message that said that once I was blocked then that was it.
My supposition is that hooton and his exceltium corpse hired some dogsbodies to go through every single post of mine ever and build a case.
well I did post some piccies by R Crumb and Gilbert Shelton that I collected from closed groups on FB that were louche but not sufficient for this.
and It happens to be the most interesting week in NZ politics.
ONe national MP Jamie-Lee Jimbob has had an almighty meltdown and is now in the wow!
if ya know what I mean?
It was totally obvious that JLR was having issues with cognitive dissonance and that sooner or later he was going to be confined.
there ya GO MATE.
thats the kiwi way.

anyway I needed a rest.
going at these arseholes 24/7 is a total drain on the psyche.
watching parliament is great entertainment but trying to run it down in real time is a big ask.

the nationals party has been caught out selling seats in parliament and the rest of the native crew are pretty low grade and dats de troof.
they are fixated on selling off every single government asset and letting the corporations run the country into the ground meanwhile hoping they have made enough to shoot the gap when the shit hits the fan.
pretty squalid really.


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