Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Michael Jackson...

Caption in the dompost this am shows a pic of MJ after many facelifts so his face has become ugly and a freakshow mask and it asks "how did so many of us excuse or explain away his clearly abnormal interest in pre teen teen boys".
For a start I would venture to say that most people had no idea whatsoever.
Secondly his deviancy is easily explained by psychoanalytic theory which says he was unconsciously psychologically fixated at the happiest period in his life before the daily beatings administered by a grossly deformed parent who was supposed to be his protector.
when a person is forced into repressing their nightmare then it is  expressed  in later life as a wish to whitch the origin is unknown and not even contemplated.
when he was physically mature and able to indulge his wishes with the fountains of cash supplied by his artistic creations then the repressed returned.
He is no different from any other psychologically malformed person except that he could afford to do what he did.
I feel sorry for Michael.
He had no idea what was happening and his choice of drugs indicates an underlying death wish that got him in the end.
Making a buck off his travail is lowdown and dirty and just as bad.
Pretending there is no explanation for his behavior is society wishing it will all go away but not before all the lewd prudes have had their fill of gawping.

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