Thursday, December 19, 2019

mike hosking dribble before he shoots...

mike hoisking the rudest man on radio in New Zealand has nominated david seemore as his politician of the year for one stupid bill.
seemore got his assisted suicide bill through the house with the third reading next year that will be the acid test.
kiwis are not known for deep ethical thinking and this bill panders to those who cannot and will not face life on lifes terms  or alternatively want to put the old folks down for an early inheritance.
apart from that seemore has done nothing
he is neve in the house at night when other bills are being debated and passed and he is too lazy to arrange for a proxy or maybe nobody gives a shit about his nonsense
as for hosking he is just another big mouthed yapper that the media seems to specialise in.
he has the kind of voice that the common folk mistake for integrity but nothing could be further from the truth.
he is only in it for the money and anything else he can get for nothing.

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