Monday, February 15, 2021

NZ Green Party and Greenpeace missing in action...

 Every weekend in New Zealand sees busloads of boozers leaving the urbs for tours of country pubs and getting pissed where no one else knows them

Its the keewee way mate. 

Step it up a level and the national airline Air New Zealand began to run booze trips to Antarctica where you sat in your seat for eleven hours to descend at halfway to view a volcano and then turn round and come back again after being pandered to by a bevy of air hostesses instead of some grubbby barman in a country pub.

In the keewee way somebody altered the computer flight plan so instead of a flybuy the aeroplane, a DC10 ran smack into the mountain with a loss of all 237 people on board.

After years of skawking by relatives and who knows who else a government department under one bernadette cavanagh and the Auckland City Council under mayor phil goff and local board chairman richard northey have decided that Robbies park in Auckland should be shorn of its natural and long lived vegetation to make way for a concrete and stainless steels monument to boozing and stupidity.

All these people seem to lack any backbone and are complicit in bending over backward to commit a travesty to appease the relatives who dont live in Auckland and who dont know the residents and locals and probably dont care less.

all this is a foregone conclusion. if you whinge long enough and hard enough the gubmint and the grubby little ward heelers and time servers will buckle and give in.

its the kee wee way mate!

If the green party  had any principles they would be in total opposition to this act of environmental vandalism and ditto greenpeace.

These people, northey, goff and cavanagh must be held to account for this travesty but those who claim to speak for the environment are silent.

this has nothing to do with the people who died but everything to do with politicians pandering to small pressure groups and wanting their names on the plaque.

Its the keewee way. MATE !

1 comment:

hesiod said...

plus there was a know jinx on board!

now for something completely different...