Wednesday, October 20, 2021

government philistines intent on raping robbies park...

 once upon a time many years ago over 300 people went joyriding to antarctica in a gas guzzling, particulate spewing  dc10 and owing to the bungling at air new zealand they ended up smashing into mount erebus the mythical portal into hell.

now the nabobs and the powers that be whoever they are want to erect a monument to this tragedy in a public park gifted to the people of Auckland many years ago.

this is a travesty of the public process and the ministry of arts and culture [sic] should be ashamed of themselves for trying to impose their will on a community they have no connection with and basically dont give a shit about in their desire to spend a budget and get their names on the plaque like the parvenus they really are.

this  gang of bureaucrats needs to be brought to heel and told to go away and think about this before they stink the place up with their grandiose nitwittery

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