Friday, March 20, 2015

sooooupaah siteee...

like it or not its going to happen and the let the chips fall where they may.
Brian Lochore is a straight arrow so he can thank his lucky stars the rugby got what they did before its all change.
its great to watch everybody who has more or less had a sinecure squirm now that their pin money is going to evaporate.
nothing stays the same.
and owing to the law of unintended consequences Bob Francis will not live to see the Managatarere dammed.
What he doesn't realise is that these infantilised tinpot childish meccano fantasies will be subject to even tighter inspection and environmental controls once the deal goes ahead.
all change for the new millenia.
no stops along the way.

and btw.
I supported the alterations to the Masterton Town hall but putting a car park into the precinct is merely an illustration of how small the thinking of the town fathers is.
Instead of something magisterial and sweeping there is another dinky little conglomeration of everything a pinhead thinks will fit in.

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