Tuesday, July 14, 2015

accreting accoutrements...

masterton to spend 500grand on new stuff at the aerodrome.
they dont seem to realise that it will never be an airport.
there has never been enough demand and there never will
sad but true.
local body politicians seem to think that the same methods they use to get elected will do for actually making policy.
a big mouth does not make things happen.
Chris Laidlaw at the WRC has just reshuffled the portfolios at the WRC but its just re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Fran Wilde has been re-positioned as chair of the Economic Development committee but there is no evidence that she has ever created one single job.
ditto for the local bodies in the wirewrapper.
they good at making noise but not doing anything.
they cant recognise what is under their own noses.
They finally got a Rock and Roll School up and running and then tried to run it like a kiddies nursery.
they got pre-arranged gigs where they were assessed.
is that rock and roll?
the point here is that they should have been gigging all term till they got better and there should have been a parallel video course so progress could be documented and when the teams were all up to speed a production line of stuff.
ditto Radio Arrow
supposed to be an access radio station but there is plenty of scope to train announcers and journalists.
you know generate something instead of buying a franchise and getting an immediate hit.
nobody knows how to grow anything around here without spoiling it because of plain ignorance and bourgeois stupidity.

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