Tuesday, July 28, 2015

right wing noo noo heads still trying to steal the states assets in New Zealand...

congrats to the Dompost for their leader this morning on the sly machinations of the director of the Health Ministry who is sneaking around looking for ways to privatise the health system without letting the cat out of the bag.
This government is being directed by nutbars like mathew hooton and whats her name Boag who BELIEVE without any rational justification that the state cant do anything but in the meantime trying to avail themselves of all the states assets.
Hooton should check up on the willow run fiasco fiasco in WWII to see just how much crap a major industrialist could fall into until they were rescued by the state.
This is not a denial of privat.e enterprise.
The question is not either or but both yet the nutbars want to loot everything they can and commodify the whole world.
next it will be licenses to exist.
The Health system looks like easy pickings but the experience of the 90's shows that when bits are cherry picked off the main body then the net result is calumny.
let private enterprise make cars, and cigarettes and disposable nappies but the things that are most important should be left to those who know how to do it properly without compromising the whole social contract for the sake of a few individuals making a profit and fucking everything up that they touch.

furthermore the opposisition and its organs like the bog Standard which is a  COLLECTIVE (dont make me larf) of leftwing up themselves pen pushers should come out fighting instead of slithering around like underground chumpsky's who wont tell it like it is in case their bureuacratic masters get wind of it and put the heat on.
stand up you slackasses and be counted.
stop producing this mish mash of nothing that means nothing and nobody reads it except yourselves!

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