Friday, April 8, 2016

sing me back home before I die...

take me away and turn back the years...
it aint that easy hoss.

Memo to RNZNational
please tell Jesse Mulligan that mashups are not creative in fact they are just the opposite. mainly no talents who want to destroy anything that they cant do themselves and which makes them green with envy.
If mulligan wants to be music critic then find a slot for him.
I am really getting sick of his whining voice every day anyway and he is basically immature.
why do New Zealanders have to put up with these geeks till they sink or swim?

some guy in yesterdays rag going on about the rolling stones putting out one final blues masterpiece as if they haven't done that already.
mick and the boys like to deny their first albums because an accountant managed to wrest control of them and now collects the royalties himself but the fact remains that they represent the absolute pinnacle of white boy blues and in all likelihood the first two albums will never be surpassed by anyone.
listen to the wannabees having ago now and they just cant get it right.
too much rap and sample bass lines means they cant really play anymore and they are far too important to actually listen to how it was done in the first place.

Begging in Wellington NZ
I have never heard so much pious whining from so many white middle class women as yesterday on the wireless when the topic for today was begging.
It was impossible to get past the resentment these old bags felt for people who they thought were getting something for nothing.
bring out the tumbrels and the tocsin.

and New Zealand  industry shown up once again.
Fruit trays with oil residue found on them them mean millions o fdollars of otherwise perfectly good produce has to be dumped.
either the straw boss did not know what was going on or he ignored it.
another knowall ruggered individyouall with no brains trying to get a few pints withe the big boss and just fucking it all up.
otherwise the sun is shining and its a beyootifool day!

thats all folks...

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