Thursday, August 17, 2017

the mermaids tears and aaron smith...

supposed minister for the environment Nik Smith has pushed forward the date of the ban on microbeads by  a whole wopping 2 months.
This product designed solely for ugly people to try to  make themselves beautiful is a menace to all marine life and thus humanlife itself.
the one notable feature of this national gubmint has been its reluctance to take any measures in any shape or from that might harm the profitability of any business enterprise.
this egregious,short sighted and self serving attitude is reprehensible and it is to be hope that the new Labour government will react with more speed to pressing environmental issues than this slothful and recalcitrant excuse for a responsible government.

Aaron Smith.
leave the guy alone.
it is becoming salacious now and if the so called victim does not want money off him then she should just shut up.
contrary to the pop wisdom about closure and other bullshit memes time does wound all heals but if the sex or whatever was consensual then do the decent thing and pull your head in otherwise any good will you may have garnered will evaporate.
It takes two to tango and it seems as if the purpose of this latest outburst is merely self publicity and a chance to get on tv and be able to show your grandkids the skite reel.
And as for the nosey parkers who approached {approached?} stuff a week later you should have just minded yourownbloody business.
Your behaviour is dishonest and creepy.
Who do you think you are?

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