Wednesday, October 25, 2017

walk right in sit right down...

Nice ride up to town on the bus.
everything fresh if not cool.
good fresh in the Waignawa River.
cleanout the gunk!
Kids playing softball/ baseball(?) in South Park.
I was good at that.
too chubby for soccer and rugby but I could wack that softball.
good at cricket too but the coach always made me bat last and as soon as I got my eye in he declared?
his son was th eopener but not as good as me so stuff that.
I ran into my softball coach many years later in th ecorridor at Masterton Hospital.
He was dying of cancer.
He cried and I held his hand.
He confessed that the other players always screamed the loudest when he was picking the team and I never got that many games.
However on the last game of the season before I left town for the smoke I hit a home run, got a catch in the outfield that won us the game.
Coach Harris told me that I was the best of the lot and if I had stayed he would have made me a blacksox.
Well ya get that on the big jobs.
He really appreciated me holding his hand and that made up for any lost opportunities.
my  life turned out to be one of missed opportunities but upon reflection I would have turned out like THEM and  I am really glad I didn't so there ya go!
Swapped all the louis l'amours I bought at the heart foundation book sale for the collected letters of Karl Menninger and Platos Gorgias so I am going home happy.

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