Friday, January 4, 2019

stu jamieson boys...

My xmas present to myself arrived yesterday.
This album was the one that made me want to learn an instrument.
The Banjo.
At first I frailed and frailed to no avail but I got it in the end and the picking patterns worked mighty fine on the guitar when I got around to that.
Took me years to limber up my fingers and get a rhythm but I got it in the end.
I was smitten by the tunes and the playing and even though I was a hard out rocker I wanted to do this with al lmy being.
I have worn out three vinyl albums and my current copy languishes in the never play again rack.
However I was checking out amazon and discovered that a modern version of  a reprint house would make a custom cd and cheap too.
I still love this album and the music and it has never lost its charm as far as I am concerned and I got to really investigate  the whole bluegrass oeuvre and fall in love with pedal steels and fiddles which has lasted a lifetime.

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now for something completely different...