Friday, March 13, 2020

kathryn ryan, anxiety and nitwits...

listening to Kathryn Ryan interviewing psychiatrist Mark Cross.
she has read all the guff supplied by her producers and sounds very knowledgeable and the trick cyclist is responding in kind.
there may be physiological and genetic causes of anxiety  but so far in the history of medicine they have never been shown to exist.
much like phlogiston or lesions on the brain causing psychosis.
ryan is barking up the wrong tree  and mark cross is not a freudian so they are both just playing with words and in the case of mark cross using word to foster co-dependence in his patients..
to know what anxiety is is to study the writings of Freud and the other psychoanalysts who have investigated the matter.
as long as we have nitiwits like  this either willfully obscurantist or totally committed to a model of psychology that ignores the dynamics of

human mental life and the etiology of neurosis and psychosis then we might as well be living in the dark ages.  

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