Saturday, March 7, 2020

readers commentary on the Sunday rag...

There is a refusal in New Zealand to deal with root causes.
sometime spokesman for the association of salaried medical specialists, Ian Powell makes big noises about the rundown state of the health system in the form of DHB's without nowhere mentioning they were merely a device for the nationals party to run the whole system down and then privatise it.
until that fact is faced and the policy reversed then there will always be a claque of people wanting to get their hands on the money.
I dont agree with noams politics or his attempts at pseudo philosophy but he is right on it here!

HAH Mark Reason.
good to see you back on the case.
I like it.
moronic noo noo heads would do too.
thought you may have been kicked into touch for telling it like it is!
sky sports have driven a deep wedge into new zealand society with their buying of the national sports game and turning them into profit centres for their very own corporate enterprise.
they are to be excoriated too for their  slimy adverts that reinforce this i've got mine and f*ck you attitude.
and I see you have cottoned on to the overwhelming use of interrogatives.
these figures of speech are dishonest and disrespectful and it is very disappointing to see the cunninglinguists from Victoria University giving them the okay and passing them off as merely 'tag endings'.
and as for the current crop of so called announcers most of them are barely literate.
the whole thing has become ghastly and almost too horrible to contemplate. 

I'm sure there was something else but its lunchtime...

memo to Jo Cribb
employers hire not on the basis of who is best but who will fit in.
most people have the same level of skills as each other unless they are a genius.
it was rockefeller senior senior who said that any 'job' could be learned in three months.
paul volcker said the same thing to the first female appointed to the board of governors at the fed who sxaid she knew nothing about central banking.
he said dont worry we will teach you.
wandering away from the point here but the selecting of dummies for jobs makes sure that no one gets too far above themselves.


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