Tuesday, May 3, 2022

reid research...

 I just phoned Reid Research to ask for a copy of the questions I was asked when they called me for the poll two weeks ago. The lady who answered the phone told me that I have to contact TV3 for the questions as they paid for the survey. It escalated really quickly. Anyway, she conceded that she does rewrite questions if she feels there is a need to and started getting really defensive, citing her experience and qualifications. She even told me that I can become a researcher and do a better job. For example, the question about inflation/rising living prices was not framed in a global context and she replied "well, people don't have half an hour to listen to that kind of question." I said that all it needed was a five more words pointing out that there were similar problems globally and it wasn't just a problem confined to NZ. She wouldn't accept that and said that she takes offense to what I am saying. I also asked why was the word embarrassing used in the question about the government response to (or lack of) when it came to global warming and she said, well, wouldn't people who are passionate about global warming feel that way. Anyway, she didn't want to listen and became extremely defensive. I was so annoyed by her defensiveness, said thank you for your time and hung up. If anyone is up to it, please contact TV3 and ask for a copy of the questions asked in the poll.

marja kovacevic

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