Wednesday, July 19, 2023



I am of a certain age.

The athritis in my hips, knees and ankles is never going to go away.

I am never going to have replacements.


I can take a little pain and that's okay.

too much paracetamol bulds up in my liver and is very painful and too much ibuprofen makes my nerves jangle for days afterwards . I rely on a mild opiate to ease my pains and certain people seem to think that is morally reprehensible!!!!!

well fuck them!

My prescription was once cut unlilaterally by whom I never did find out and today the pimply faced twerp in the CARTERTON PHARMACY proceeded to read out a purported  note from my GP telling me to reduce the amount I take.

There I was in the middle of the CARTERTON PHARMACY being read ny medical history by someone I have never seen before hiding behind PPE. 

I rang the Medical centre and the manager told me that as far as she could see there was no  note from the GP on my file and I accept that.

I dont accept being dictated to by a pill roller taking advantage of their position to talk down to me.

I could make a formal complaint to the appropriate professional body but I have other things to do at the moment but this publication is swearable as an affadavit.

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