Thursday, December 10, 2015

drunk driving...

great feature by Karl over there with his funny old hair in this mornings dompost.
I dont have to worry about all this because I dont drink and I dont own a car.
Neither are necessary for the enjoyment of life as we know it in the 21st century.
Karl is right to mention the attitude of the mother grundy authorities trying to cower the population with slimy teevee ads.
Its not the cops fault.
Its the ad agencies trying to sell us on behaviour.
If they really want to stop drink driving  then they should just have and ad that says "The Penalty for drinking and driving is $1000 and loss of license" and leave it at that.
At the moment the teevee is daily covered in this crap dreamed up by the ad agencies using up the NZPOLICE budget and sold to the media by their media buyers and it is just fcuking creepy.
It is not honest and is not straightforward.
That seems to be the kiwi way these days.
isn't it.
If the cops really want to make their presence felt then the remedy is at hand.
Stop cars and check them for noise and the other one which is opaque rear number plates.
Every little dweeb with a short cock and a burning desire to escape judgement is at it.
That would work but it would not put money into the coffers of the mad men in the advertising agencies massaging us with their control of the medium.

"I am the slime oozing out of your video.
Crawling across your living room floor."
Frank Zappa.

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