Thursday, December 3, 2015

interesting times...

It cant have escaped anyones notice but the whole thing is speeding up and is nearly out of control.
A bit like evolution.
You cant see it it happening but it is.
It is not like the old days when everything was new.
Now it is just tawdry and with a patina of greed lust and avarice and no matter ho w hard you try it is just impossible to put a polish on shit.
and thzts a fact.
so easy to brush over it with fine words and grandiose pomposity and all the rest of it but when the shit hits the fan and there is nothing left except the annual production from rainfall and sunlight with all the earths treasures used up then it will be every man for himself and life will become nasty, brutish and short till anew equilibrium of sorts is achieved..
Everybody now is full of pride for their piddly little productions but none of it means anything in the end.
In the long run we are all dead!

thats all she wrote

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