Thursday, May 26, 2016

stuka pilot...

caught the 1 0'clock bus back home this arvo. mid term exams on and the bus was filled with giggling schoolgirls. tiddlers. 3 to  a bench.
I must say that the effect was life affirming.
thanx girls.
hee hee

then stopped off at the family store where I found Rudels book for 50c.
I have read it before but it will stand another parse.

later. could not stand it.
The wanton waste of life and destruction for the vainglorious delusions of a man who was criminally insane.

Why these guys beoleive this tripe is not conceivable to me any more but that is war.
dont stop war.
stop the cause.

and now for another darekening shadow on the world it is reported in todays rag that China is now patroling the Pacific with nuclear armed submarines.

Are these people crazy too?

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