Sunday, August 21, 2016

politics in new zealand...

is always run for the benefit of the few with as much noise as possible on the squibs so the real issues can be hidden in the mix.
take school funding.
it is being carved up so that unqualified people can drape themselves with fake achievements and achieve standing in the community that they are not really entitled to and they become landowners as well on the taxpayers dollar!
the people in charge are more or less infantilised but committed to their own standard of living and conspicuous consumption so they can rise above their peers.
hey- mine is bigger than yours.
isn't it?
it is pretty disgusting the way everything is up for grabs when National is in power and then the opposition has to clear up the mess.
The gougers and the grabbers present this front of being suave and hip and any other buzz word they can cling on to make it look as if they know what they are doing at a deeper level but on the surface all they want is money and not having to work for it like everyone else.

Chris Hiopkins  (LAB HUtt)is right when he says schools need more money.
Not just the budget reshuffled so the greasers can extract more out of the system without appearing to be the out and out grabbers that they really are.

The country seems to be in thrall to a whole cohort of weasels who have been spoonfed all their lives and expect the state to continue handing them tranches of money to massage their egos and
spending habits while they portray themselves as rugged individyoualls and innovative entreepreynoors when they are just bloodsuckers and parasites with a good pr team.

This little boy has been blown up so the ignorati can terrify the whole world with what amounts to little less than childish fantasies of omnipotence.

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