Tuesday, August 9, 2016

the new reality...

Waiohine Floodplain Management Plan.
just a scam for otherwise unemployed engineers to gain employment and confuse the punters with non issues.
Wairarapa settled since 1840's and those people in the interim knew what they were doing and now there is a whole gang of eggheads scratching their heads to screw the last remaining increments out of a resource that is overworked already.
What the ruamahanga needs is maximum flow to stop any signs of eutrophication and to replenish the aquifer.
it does not need a gang of pinheads clucking around and spending large gobs of money on totally unnecessary works.

See the unitary plan is just another way of centralising government control of the regions and disbursement of patronage in the form of money for make work.
It is just not good enough.

Its bad enough with charter schools being run by boofheads who think their ability to make money makes them superior types of people and gives them the right to practise quasi eugenics with our money with the blessing of a government of fuckwits.

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