Tuesday, October 4, 2016

folk roots...

watched a low tech version of the Muscle Shoals doco last night.
Bono: " we heard it and we wanted some"!
Louie Louie  just there for fun.
Then I loaded up the media player and let her rip with all the good stuff.
Watched a tv compilation of the Streets of San Fran Cisco the other night.
NO machine guns.
No cell phones.
No serial killers.
Just good acting and great plotlines and dialogue.
They either cant or wont do it like this anymore.

went to upper hutt yesterday.
spend most of my time talking about the old days.
how it was a mission to get down to Welly and find a copy of LOuie Louie.
yeh yeh yeh yeh.
me gotta go.
inane and infantile but everything a good r'nr record should be and a solo that everyone who was anyone copied when they were paying their dues!

stopped to talk to an old guy on my way to the bus.
He has Leukemia.
Our band was on its way to the USA when our guitarist up and died with it.
Probably just as well.
We weren't famous but we were hot.
good enough to make it over there.
still young and callow and most of us would have gone down in a blizzard of coke smack booze broads and anything else.
aint life grand .
especially when you grow up!

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