Thursday, October 6, 2016

make love not war...

once it was the great chain of being.
now it is the great flow of nonsense.
thinking of nicknames for aaron smith.
rooter: no, too obvious.
shag: sorry the boss has taken that one!
koozer: yep that'll do.
Cant believe the rag this morning.
smiths picture is on five pages of the nations premier daily newspaper.
have they run out of tromp stories?
he has been outed by one of the army of sneaks snoops and creeps looking to make themsleves big by pulling someone else down.
thjey will be larfing for the rest of their lives about how they humiliated Smith and the NZRFU in general.
look wot i did.
you the people with too much elastic in their socks so they are always on the verge of gangrene in their toes and too tight underpants so the flow of blood is cut off from their heads.
thats the kiwi way mate.
Steve Hansen and Martin Snedden have overreacted.
they should have just told the media to F*ck off and mind their own business.
Did Smith hurt anyone.
No and that should be the end of it.
far from the prurience being Smiths it is the media who have leapt on to it like a geek from the boonies having a saturday night in a city brothel.

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