Monday, March 20, 2017

devil with the blue dress on and then...

went to the Resource Centre where I found a Mitch Ryder CD and the Johnny Horton Vinyl LP.
Mitch was hard to obtain at the best of times so there ya go.
and JOhhny has a great voice and I heard one of his guitar riffs on an english blues the other day.

and then local stuff.
The TA had a vox pop on the best road movie ever.
Has to be Vanishing point but only one response in its favour.
I guess I am getting on a bit.
Wish I was Patrick Stewart.
I got the athritis in my hands and my ankles, knees and hips.
I can have opiates or other anti inflammatorys but then I would get sicker still.
He can go to the MD and get a medical cannabis certificate and he is okay.
here we have to suffer with ethical (larfs) pharmaceuticals or go without.
time for a change.
My heart and my head.

As an autocthon my love for the Wairarapa knows no bounds.
I love it all.
A good read of Bagnall and "They Came To Wydrop" reveals a long and rich history of the settlement of the Wairarapa and the arcane political system that almost rivals Louisianna politics for its byzantine ways and odd results.
My Heart says keep th eold system but my head says it will be a good chance with the local body amlagamation to get rid of the dead woood. Reset the books. Flick off the parasites who have managed to hoodwink the local mayors in to patronising their self aggrandising schemes and pelf.
we will see indeed.

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now for something completely different...