Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The UNited Nations...

needs to clean up its act.
they have made a whole lot of rules for the whole world some of which that are no longer applicable.
they wont prosecute real criminals for real crimes and they are on the side of big pharma when natural remedies are better, more efficacious and less wearing on the metabolism.
and they know which ones I am talking about.
Time for people to take these REMF's to task.
They are like REMF's in New Zealand.
continually re-inventing the wheel and making stupid rules and regulations that have become so cumbersome and the drafters so constipated with their own importance that no-0ne really knows what they are talking about anyway.

In opulent and commercial societies, besides, to think ot to reason comes to be like every other employment, a particular business which is carried on by a very few people who furnish the the public with all the thought and reason possessed by the vast multitude that labour.
Let any ordianry person make a fair review of all the knowledge which he possesses concerning any subject that does not fall within the limits of his particular ocupation and he will find that almost everything he knows has been acquired at second hand from books.... a very small part of it only he will find has been the product of his own reflections or observations.
all the rest has been purchased in the same manner as his shoes or stockings from those whose business it is to make up and prepare for the market that particular species of goods.
It is in this manner that he has acquired all his general ideas concerning the great subjects of religion, morals and government concerning his own happiness or that of this country.


and that is why they murdered Socrates because he was at pains to point out that just because you knew something did not mean that you now knew everything in an earlier form of Humes "constant conjunction".


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