Tuesday, April 25, 2017

the day after...

Big day yesterday.
The nation had its annual catharsis as the nowhere people "CELEBRATED" Gallipoli (Gelibolu).
everybody jumping on the bandwagon now.
Ya gotta watch out.
It nearly became a National Party only benefit event so I guess the numbers turning out are a good thing now.
Its sort of like a big day out.
But and it is a big  but.
Nobody here seems to want to investigate how a gang of stupid over rich inheritors including the Kaiser and the dregs of the British aristocracy were able to put the whole world to the sword just to indulge their puerile fantasies of world domination.
ya get that.
they murdered whole generations just to get their arses kicked.
It would still happen again today if some of the nitwits in charge had their way.
My next door neighbour flew Corsairs in the Pacific.
He doesn't want to talk about it much.
anyway back to the economic transformation of the Wairarapa.
Its a bit like the placeholders in todays world who get their jobs because of who they know and not what they know.
They migrate to the provinces or never leave and suck up everything and block anything else in case they go one down.
Its like Thorsten Vebleins analysis of the business world.

i.e. businessmen spend more time trying to sink or frustrate their competitors than investing in anything new.
Just like the wingnuts who have all the government funded social services now and entree to make things happen.
They are so scared that there is no room for anyone else.
tuff titty.
you want to be big frogs in your greasy little pond then take it.

Bomber Command
WW11 125,000 men
deaths: 55,573
casualty rate 44%
no campaign medal because the politicos were scared the press would dredge up the Dresden firestorm bombings and crucify them.

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