Tuesday, December 19, 2017

how to get it all wrong in three easy lessons...

Michell Duff (who she) gets a whole heap of column inches on the op ed page in todays Dompost to opine on family violence and she takes as her example the policeman convicted this week of murdering his wife.
It was indeed an extremely violent act but the intent was not what duff ascribes.
That man was an undiagnosed paranoid who when his carefully constructed camouflage for his latent homosexuality  was ripped apart then had a psychotic break.
Family violence is another matter altogether.
I was brought up in a household of women and I was taught to keep my hands to myself and take my turn.
As a male it is quite disturbing to see women cowering in what is or should be normal social intercourse.
The roots of this behaviour need to be investigated instead of a feminist kneejerk reaction  that smacks of unadulterated whining.
If bits of our society are rotten then it behooves commentators to speak out about the causes and not the symptoms.

Onya Willie Jackson.
You are right about Charter Schools not speaking for your constituency.
They are a blemish on the landscape and need to be eradicated.
The list of reasons is too long to go into here but suffice it to say that they are designed to push a particular view and actual education comes a poor second.

Cannabis bill today in thehouse.
time to call off the nonsense and legalise it immediately so any pathologies can be dealth with fair and square.
At present it is merely a cash cow for the justice industry.
court staff
prison warders
all making a livelihood for themselves by prosecuting innocent people!

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