Saturday, December 30, 2017

last day of the year...

Just like any other day except the busses and trains have stopped running and all the shops closed.
thats okay.
time for some reflection and kickback.
watched Quizmas 2017 on tvnz last night and it was genuinely funny.
good humour and very well done even though for some strange reason I have never got off on some of those people but they redeemed themselves last night.
Best thing on teevee was clips from kiwi shows.
the clips were great. the shows not so much but there ya go.
skies are cloudy and the sun is not beating down too badly.
Its not stifling like the heatwave before christmas.
threw out the last of the roast chicken and a magpie sswooped on it and the lil sparras had to wait their turn.
way of the world.
the rich get the prunes and the poor gets the shits.
read Jubal Sackett for the umpteenth time and The Uses of The Past by Herber J Muller. I am not a professional historian but it is good to read a work that ties things together in a way that many theses dont.

I got An Economic History Of The United States by Ronald Seavoy on interloan before the holidays and it has to go back on Friday so I am going to revise that.
Interesting take on subsistence labour norms, commercial labor norms and the rise of the consumer economy.
He claims that what peasants want is indolence rather thana full time job in a factory or day labour for someone else.
I think that makes me a peasant.

exploitation of the earths resources for the satisfaction of  insatiable consumer greed will not go on forever but peasants will.

Happy new year.

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